Having diagnosed blockages in the world's cardio-vascular system, what's to be done?
The complacency with which we regard World Economic Forum plans to reform planetary life would be astonishing if we were not inured to the fact that many already see the WEF as a snake in the grass it appears to be - even if we do not know what to do about it.
While one can appreciate the danger it poses, we still half expect the media to discuss the various sides of the question and provide a public airing of the issues involved as we once expected it to do.
While it is conceivable that the WEF did not foresee the Houthi's virtual blockade of the Red Sea/Suez Canal, which disrupted the vital Asia Europe trade lane, it has become plain that the carrying out of various Deep State plans depends on its ability to develop and curate real or imagined crises.
Such crises may have come out of the blue - spontaneously as the Houthis airstrikes did - and be of no immediate Deep State use, therefore no immediate need to bring them to an end, lest we find use for it later. In general, the more disruptions, the better as they require greater state power to fix whatever the bureaucracy wants to fix or fester.
If all this seems a bit mad, typical of deranged thinking of the tin-hat brigade, let us look at the evidence. The charge is that the Deep State, that is the media, academic, bureaucratic complex, which reigns from Montreal to Melbourne, wants to vaporise longstanding civil and constitutional rights through regulatory authority seems plain enough.
As far as one can tell, the plan is to make the free market irrelevant through regulatory bans and mandates. For example, there may be a more economical way of delivering a product or service, but for reasons of health and safety, or whatever reason can be brought to bear, can no longer be done without state licence subsidies.
Increasingly, one requires a certificate to babysit children in a YMCA after school programmes in California. Anyone trying to do so on their own without a licence will find themselves threatened with court action.
This will simply extend to other areas of life creating conditions where ownership of anything substantial including a car or a house, will be reserved for Orwellian Inner Party members while the Outer Party "will own nothing and be happy" according to the 2016 WEF video that let the cat out of the bag in plain sight.
In the UK, they have refused long-standing customers their bank accounts because they found their perfectly legal political views intolerable. This came to light when UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage lost his bank account. In the US, the Department of Homeland Security was stopped - by a hair's breadth - from setting up a mis- and dis-information agency that would curtail freedom of speech and political opposition. In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seized the bank accounts of protesting truckers by deploying a re-written version of the War Measures Act.
In Australia, a Freedom of Information Act request revealed a shocking exchange between a minister and the prime minister's office regarding a bill before Parliament.
That's when an MP revealed that the Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland wrote to the Prime Minister: "I want to have the personal power to order investigations about allegations of misinformation into, basically, anyone. I want to specify the terms of reference, any other particulars and the time frame. I want to be able to order any misinformation investigation I want, personally."
To which the assistant Prime Minister wrote back: "Great idea. Go for it. Order whatever investigations into misinformation and allegations of misinformation you want."
Could the Gestapo ask for more?
So if civilised Australian ministers can demand such personal totalitarian powers, one must agree that the situation described above, together with a host of equally credible examples, can no longer dismissed as lunatic ravings of conspiracy theorists. What we are seeing is clear and present danger.
So what's to be done? First, a moment to explore what has not been done. Ten years ago, though gradually increasing over the last 20 years, the public has been induced to believe what they know not to be true, that men and women are equal, that the western world is systemically racist, that there is a climate catastrophe in the offing, that fossil fuels are the root of all evil and CO2 emissions must be eliminated because they must be.
In the past public debates could be resolved in public through the ventilation of issues in TV panel discussions and opposing op-ed pieces and editorials in rival newspapers.
Well, that is not happening as we can all plainly see. Nor is it likely to happen. In Canada, the once strictly privately owned legacy media - except for the state-owned CBC - is now being subsidised by the Deep State, and regulatory measures have been taken to restrict social media access and means of content distribution.
Now for the good news.
Social media its growing in strength while legacy media is growing in weakness - two factors that the Deep State does not appreciate fully, because its main fault line, and its rivals' advantage, is that it hears what it wants to hear and disregards the rest.
In fact, the weakness of the Deep State that operates in the western world is akin to the weakness of the Russian forces in World War I when an entire army of 200,000 was utterly destroyed. In some senses the Russians were the huge "steamroller" as they were called at the time, but was unable to communicate and coordinates with all its elements. It also lacked agility to comprehend what the strengths and weaknesses of itself or its enemies, forever making judgments on what was supposed to be or once was rather than what is in the here and now.
One might liken the forces arrayed against the Deep State to Elizabethan little ships England that were pitted against the mighty galleons of the Spanish Armada in 1588.
Yet the vast fleet of podcasts, whose quality ranges from the slapstick to the professorial, while far from striking decisive blows, still outclass legacy old line TV networks in wit and wisdom. There are Deep State forays into the podcast space, but it is an area in which they do not excel. There are - or were - slick commercial like productions which reek insincerity as polished commercials do. And imitation news broadcasts that are rare and rank in the bottom in quality against their rightist rivals.
An unexpected consequence of the Deep State's racial policy is how easily non-whites slip into roles in the rightist podcasts and how unpleasant they appear on the leftist ones, typically bristling with feminist resentment, and attired in outlandish ghetto garb, rabbiting on about white privilege. Blacks on the rightist podcasts come across as sharp, handsome, noble and brave. More than anything, they look and act normally.
While the legacy media and the academic and bureaucratic world skews markedly to the left, as do their studies and the experts they consult, there is one authority that does not. That is the legislative arm of most western democracies.
Most often, legislatures are balanced nearly 50:50 right and left. That's why conservative governments are elected from time to time. And to some minds, they are a much neglected resource, that should be default for podcasters and independent journalists to give voice to those whose voice has been side-lined if not smothered by the media academic bureaucratic complex. |